Adapter M 16×1 on hose nozzle 13 mm stainless steel

Adapter M 16×1 on hose nozzle 13 mm stainless steel
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Order-No.: 107000029 Price on request for 1 piece plus VAT (25%) plus shipping costs
Adapter M 16×1 on hose nozzle 13 mm, stainless steel
(-) Technical data:
Opis tipa proizvoda: Adapter
Registrirani zaštitni znak: Rettberg®
Navoj: GL 32
Materijal: Nehrdajuci celik
Netto masa: 70 g
Netto masa: 70 g
(-) Export-related data:
Carinski tarifni broj: 73181630 Not in the current list
Carinski tarifni broj: 73181630 Not in the current list
Zemlja porijekla: Germany
Zemlja porijekla: Germany
(-) Compliance information:
WEEE obligation: No